In 1892, a determined group embarked on the founding of a church. They raised a humble wooden structure at the intersection of Spring St. and Horner St., starting at Eddie Guye's home. Reverend Sandy Griggs of Warrenton, North Carolina was chosen as the inaugural Pastor and faithfully led until his passing in 1935. Over the next 25 years, the mantle of leadership was carried by Reverend Samuel Clanton, Reverend W.W. Faulcon, Reverend J.C. Cobbs, and Reverend W.J. Hall.

The pivotal year of 1960 saw Reverend Doctor R.M. Burnette of Warren County assume the pastoral helm, marking the beginning of an impactful 38-year tenure. During this transformative era, the church expanded with the construction of an education building, featuring the Pastor’s study, six classrooms, a library, and a clothes closet. Across the street, the acquisition of property (formerly Frazier’s Park) and the addition of a new parking lot underscored the church's growth and community impact.

After standing resilient for a century, the aging church structure necessitated a bold vision for the future. Inspired by Deaconess Queen Johnson’s divine guidance, the Board of Deacons secured property at 511 Orange Street. This pivotal decision culminated in a groundbreaking ceremony in September 1996. On July 23, 2023, the Spring Street Church community joyously marched from their old sanctuary to a newly erected house of worship for their inaugural morning service. The symbolic burning of the mortgage on June 10, 2007, marked a significant milestone in their journey of faith and expansion.

From 1999 to 2007, Reverend Chad Armstrong passionately served as Pastor, followed by Reverend Robert Gabriel from 2008 to 2010. In April 2012, Reverend Anthony A. Vickers assumed leadership as the ninth Pastor of Spring Street MBC, ushering in a new chapter of spiritual guidance and community outreach. December 2022 welcomed Reverend AnTori D. Brown as the tenth Pastor of Spring Street MBC, leading alongside Associate Ministers Reverend Cora Vass-Boyd, Reverend Florence Vass, Reverend Anita Williams, and Reverend Catherine Gill.